Thèse de doctorat de Jérémy Mandin

"Leaving Europe : Emigration, aspirations and pathways of incorporation of Maghrebi French and Belgians in Montréal"

Thèse de doctorat défendue le 19 mars 2021 par Jérémy Mandin (CEDEM) 

Jérémy Mandin  

When it comes to migration, Western European countries such as Belgium and France are typically described as destination countries. Yet, emigration remains an important phenomena in most of European societies. At a time where many European societies experience both the consequences of financial and economic crisis and growing tensions about cultural and religious diversity, very few attention has been given to the relation between such structural dynamics and the emergence of emigration practices among young Europeans. This research is an attempt to explore ethnographically such a relation by focusing on the migration practices of Belgians and French youngsters of Maghrebi origins leaving Europe for the Canadian city of Montréal. More precisely, the research focuses on the aspirations - defined as socially situated representations of the future – that inform the emigration practices of Maghrebi Europeans

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