GOUPPY Shannon


Boursière de doctorat

GOUPPY Shannon

Institut de recherche en Sciences Sociales (IRSS)
IRSS: Centre d'Etudes de l'Ethnicité et des Migrations

ULiège address
Bât. B31 Service administratif de la Faculté (Sciences sociales)
Quartier Agora
place des Orateurs 3
4000 Liège
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Shannon Gouppy is a PhD Candidate at CEDEM, University of Liège (Belgium). She is currently working on a thesis on contemporary antiracist mobilizations in francophone Belgium, under the supervision of Marco Martiniello.

She first joined the CEDEM in November 2021 as an assistant for the Master in Sociology with a focus on Ethnic and Migration Studies. Before that, she received a Bachelor's degree in Sociology-Anthropology from the University of Liège in 2018. Then, she followed a double diplomation programme and graduated in 2020 in Sociology with a focus on Immigration Studies from the University of Liège and in Migration Studies from the faculty of Political Sciences of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona.

Her research interests include the following themes : migrants and minorities' political participation, processes of minoritization and othering, racialization and anti-racisms, unconventional forms of activism (including through arts and culture), positionality and knowledge-production.

Research field

  • Sociologie politique
  • Sociologie générale
  • Ethnographie