Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Witchcraft beliefs and practices in asylum adjudication. Impressions from a legal- anthropological collaboration in the framework of a judicial training
Bianchini, Katia; Andreetta, Sophie ; Larissa Vetters
In pressIn Marie-Claire Foblets; Maria Sapignoli; Brian Donahoe (Eds.) Anthropological Expertise in Legal Practice: Collaboration, Consequences, and ‘Para-Ethnography’
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
The political representation of citizens of immigrant origin in Spain, Italy and Greece
Vintila, Cristina-Daniela ; Morales, Laura; Ramiro, Luis et al.
In pressIn Morales, Laura; Saalfeld, Thomas (Eds.) Pathways to power: the political representation of citizens of immigrant origin in Europe
Contribution to encyclopedias, dictionaries... (Parts of books)
Claro, Mona ; Bretin, Hélène
In pressIn Cockerham, William (Ed.) Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society, 2nd Edition
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
« Tout est lié » : Encombrement, éco-anxiété et complexité, ou le retour en force de la mentalité primitive
Tasia, Edgar
In pressIn Ghedamsi, I., Fugier, P., Lecorre, T., et Mabilon-Bonfils, B. (Ed.) Que fabrique la science ? Construction(s) et Réception(s) de la science aujourd’hui
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Chapitre 2 - Collecter et produire des données : les bons réflexes en recherche documentaire
Contor, Justine ; Parotte, Céline
In pressIn Parotte, Céline (Ed.) Manuel de recherche qualitative en sciences politiques et sociales
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Visibility, integration models and political representation
Morales, Laura; Sobolewska, Maria; Vintila, Cristina-Daniela et al.
In pressIn Saalfeld, Thomas; Morales, Laura; Sobolewska, Maria (Eds.) Understanding the patterns of political representation of citizens of immigrant origin in Europe
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
The social and political background of MPs of immigrant origin: are they any different from other MPs?
Dodeigne, Jérémy ; Vintila, Cristina-Daniela ; Morales, Laura
In pressIn Morales, Laura; Saalfeld, Thomas (Eds.) Pathways to power: the political representation of citizens of immigrant origin in Europe
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
From "second-generation immigrant" to sociologist of migration
Martiniello, Marco
2024In Gemignani, Marco; Hernandez-Albujar, Yolanda; Sladkova, Jana (Eds.) Migrant Scholars Researching Migration. Reflexivity, Subjectivity and Biography in Research
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Gender mainstreaming or Gender-Integrated Approach (GIA)
Kabamba, Yowali ; Cornet, Annie
2024In KLARSFELD, Alain; Bender Anne Françoise; Nmoko (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Diversity & Management. Elgar Encyclopedias in Business and Management series
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Public Expenditure Review in Key Human Development Sectors - CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC - Social protection (Chapter 6)
Vandeninden, Frieda
2024In Public Expenditure Review in Key Human Development Sectors - CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
L’investissement de l’espace extérieur au sein d’une crèche en Belgique francophone : une perspective anthropologique
Razy, Elodie ; Willemsen, Elodie
2024In Pirard, Florence; zogmal, Marianne; Garnier, Pascale (Eds.) Pratiques et politiques en petite enfance. Perspectives internationales
Preface, postface, glossary... (Parts of books)
Cultural Change in Post-Migrant Societies. Re-imagining Communities Through Arts and Cultural Activities
Martiniello, Marco
2023In Wiebke Sievers (Ed.) Cultural Change in Post-Migrant Societies, Cham, Springer, IMISCOE Research series, 2023v-Vi
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Chapter 3: Applying mixed-method design in the study of immigrant social protection
Mescoli, Elsa ; Konstantinidou, Angeliki ; Reidsma, Marije et al.
2023In Vandermeerschen, Hanne; Mescoli, Elsa; Lafleur, Jean-Michel et al. (Eds.) Newcomers Navigating the Welfare State: Experiences of Immigrants and Street-Level Bureaucrats with Belgium's Social Assistance System
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Conclusion Part III
Mandin, Jérémy
2023In Vandermeerschen, Hanne; Mescoli, Elsa; Lafleur, Jean-Michel et al. (Eds.) Newcomers Navigating the Welfare State: Experiences of Immigrants and Street-Level Bureaucrats with Belgium's Social Assistance System
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Chapter 11. Developing forms of agency: how do newcomers deal with social services
Mandin, Jérémy
2023In Vandermeerschen, Anne; Mescoli, Elsa; Lafleur, Jean-Michel et al. (Eds.) Newcomers Navigating the Welfare State: Experiences of Immigrants and Street-Level Bureaucrats with Belgium's Social Assistance System
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Affective regulations. Insight from dolphin-human interactions in confined environments
Servais, Véronique
2023In Levain, Alix; Artaud, Hélène; Mariat-Roy, Emilie et al. (Eds.) Elusive Partners, Contemporary anthropological perspectives on marine species
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
L'enseignement supérieur privé dans un Etat post-démissionnaire. (In) gouvernance et inégalités en République démocratique du Congo
Poncelet, Marc ; Kapagama, Pascal
2023In Gérard, Étienne (Ed.) Universités privées: la fabrique des inégalités. Leçons d’Afrique, d’Amérique Latine et d’Asie
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
La ville superdiversifiée. Le paradis de l'inclusion et du vivre ensemble harmonieux?
Martiniello, Marco
2023In La ville et les Migrations. Dynamique urbaine et enjeux européens
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Un point de vue Batesonien sur les expériences d'enchantement dans le rapport au vivant
Servais, Véronique
2023In Brahy, Rachel; Thibaud, Jean-Paul; Tixier, Nicolas et al. (Eds.) L'enchantement qui revient
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
The institutional channeling of transnational economic mobilization in three Moroccan Regions
Bousetta, Hassan
2023In Zapata-Barrero; Awad, Ibrahim (Eds.) Migrations in the Mediterranean
Contribution to encyclopedias, dictionaries... (Parts of books)
Associations and Associationalism
Frère, Bruno
2023In Ilcheong Yi (Ed.) Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Penser la politique avec Miguel Abensour en s’affranchissant du Léviathan. Emmanuel Levinas, Pierre Clastres et Hannah Arendt
Cervera-Marzal, Manuel
2023In Corcuff, Philippe (Ed.) Repenser l'Etat au XXIème siècle
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Droit de choisir et devoir démographique. Les évolutions de la législation russe en matière d'avortement et de contraception (1991-2021)
Claro, Mona
2023In Fohrer-Dedeurwaerder, Estelle (Ed.) De quelques aspects du droit russe
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Au fond d’un Jardin Perdu, chante une Présence qui Résonne...
Brahy, Rachel
2023In L'enchantement qui revient
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Le populisme de gauche : la souveraineté national-populaire comme solution aux méfaits du néolibéralisme ?
Cervera-Marzal, Manuel
2023In Boccon-Gibod, Thomas, Fabri, Eric, Kaluszynski, Martine, Tourneux, Odile (Ed.) Souveraineté et néolibéralisme
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Permanence et ambivalence de l’antiparlementarisme dans la France contemporaine
Cervera-Marzal, Manuel
2023In Ariane Vidal-Naquet et Priscilla Jensel-Monge (Ed.) L'antiparlementarisme
Contribution to encyclopedias, dictionaries... (Parts of books)
Démocratie radicale
Cervera-Marzal, Manuel
2023In DicoPart - Dictionnaire de la participation politique
Preface, postface, glossary... (Parts of books)
Là où ne portait pas le regard. Quand les politiques sociales sont devenues des politiques d'intervention sociale mobilisant de plus en plus les métiers du social. Postface.
Vrancken, Didier
2023In Mezzena, Sylvie Lechaux, Patrick Wittorski, Richard (Ed.) L'intervention sociale en actes. L'envers du métier institué
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Fare ricerca su arte, cultura e migrazioni nell'ottica del mutamento sociale. Una sfida multi(trans) disciplinare per i migration studies
Martiniello, Marco
2023In Colombo, Maddalena; Sanatagatti, Mariagrazia (Eds.) MIGRAREPORT 2023. Brescia Capitale delle culture
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Des logiciels en recherche qualitative ? Pièges, limites et questions liminaires
Lejeune, Christophe
2023In Kivits, Joëlle; Winance, Myriam; Balard, Frédéric et al. (Eds.) Les recherches qualitatives en santé
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Cartes d’identité municipales : pour une citoyenneté urbaine inclusive ? Une réponse au “non-accueil” de l’Europe
Clarebout, Alice
2023In Cattacin, Sandro; Sidjanski, Dusan; Saint-Ouen, François (Eds.) La Ville et les migrations : dynamiques urbaines et enjeux européens
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Introduction: Newcomers Navigating the Welfare State
Mescoli, Elsa ; Lafleur, Jean-Michel
2023In Vandermeerschen, Hanne; Mescoli, Elsa; Lafleur, Jean-Michel et al. (Eds.) Newcomers Navigating the Welfare State Experiences of Immigrants and Street-Level Bureaucrats with Belgium’s Social Assistance System
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Comment bien décrire une limule? Une histoire naturelle augmentée.
Servais, Véronique
2023In Baratay, Eric (Ed.) Ecrire du côté des animaux
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Commoning the touristic city: urban pedestrian routes and the ambiguous politics of exploration ;
Brahy, Rachel ; Pattaroni, Luca; Hoffman, Andrew
2023In Paiva, Daniel; Malet, Daniel; Sánchez, Iñigo (Eds.) Ambiance, Tourism and the City
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Associationalism: the past, present and future of public sociology
Frère, Bruno
2023In V. Borghi (Ed.) Research Handbook on Public Sociology
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
The Kaleidoscope of GCE(S) in Belgium: the issues, tensions and conflicts that NGOs encounter
Deridder, Marie; Contor, Justine ; Fontaine, Scott
2023In Giraud, Cécile; Pirotte, Gautier; Faulx, Daniel (Eds.) A Handbook of Global Citizenship Education The Belgian perspective
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
La place des Carmes ou l'expérience d'un enchantement ordinaire
Tasia, Edgar
2023In Roosen, Marie (Ed.) Anne Rondia architecte et paysagiste
Preface, postface, glossary... (Parts of books)
Posfacio. La antropología ante la discapacidad: algunas reflexiones y pistas de investigación
Razy, Elodie ; de Suremain Charles-Edouard
2023In Alvarado Solís ; Neyra Patricia; Quezada Torres ; María Teresa (Eds.) Infancia y discapacidad : posturas críticas contempoaáneas
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
La culture face à l'urgence sanitaire liée à la Covi-19 à Bruxelles
Mescoli, Elsa ; Martiniello, Marco
2023In Ville et créativité
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Construire la confiance en protection de l'enfance
Mezzena, Sylvie; Vrancken, Didier ; Cornut Piller Chantal
2023In Obertelli Patrick; Wittorski Richard (Eds.) La confiance. Nouvel horizon social ?
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
La culture face à l’urgence sanitaire liée au Covid-19 à Bruxelles
Mescoli, Elsa ; Martiniello, Marco
2023In Fiorenza Gamba; Sandro Cattacin; N. Viana Alzola (Eds.) Ville et créativité
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
La démocratie comme forme ouverte
Cervera-Marzal, Manuel
2023In Laugier Sandra, Rousseau Dominique (Ed.) La démocratie. Une idée-force
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Que faire de la forme État ? Des potentialités de l’économie solidaire et des questions qu’elle adresse à sa tradition libertaire.
Frère, Bruno ; Gardin, Laurent
2023In Corcuff, Philippe (Ed.) Etapes
Contribution to encyclopedias, dictionaries... (Parts of books)
Nachi, Mohamed
2022In ANTHROPEN. Le dictionnaire francophone d’anthropologie ancré dans le contemporain
Contribution to encyclopedias, dictionaries... (Parts of books)
Nachi, Mohamed
2022In ANTHROPEN. Le dictionnaire francophone d’anthropologie ancré dans le contemporain
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
" 2008: ‘Make Contributions and Offer Your Youth for Tomorrow’s Dream’: The Establishment of the Shenzhen Migrant Worker Museum
Florence, Eric ; Junxi, Qian
2022In Franceschini, Ivan; Sorace, Christian (Eds.) Proletarian China: A Century of Chinese Labour
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Le Congo, la colonisation et les sciences sociales en Belgique
Poncelet, Marc
2022In Audren, Frédéric; Frydman, Benoît; Génicot, Nathan (Eds.) La naissance de l'école de Bruxelles
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
The role of the secondary income distribution (Chapter 4.2)
Vandeninden, Frieda ; Rodriguez Alas, Claudia; Zafar, Usama
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Découvrir le soi dans la rencontre avec un animal
Servais, Véronique
2022In Deslandes, Charles; Giroux, Dalie (Eds.) Parler avec les animaux
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Outsiders en situation de handicap. Individus handicapés ou société handicapante : les effets désastreux de la mise sur la touche.
Fontaine, Sébastien
2022In Balutet Nicolas (Ed.) Outsider : Regards Croisés