François-Régis Puyou (University of Saint Andrews)


9 décembre 2021
B31 (Séminaire 11)

François-Régis Puyou (University of st Andrews, actuellement Professeur invité à la FaSS) animera le prochain séminaire du CRIS, le 9 décembre de 10h à 12h  au séminaire 11 - B31 (Possibilité de suivre à distance également).
Il y présentera le récent article qu'il a co-écrit avec Bardon, T. & Brown, A. D. (2021). Citius, Altius, Fortius: Managers’ quest for heroic leader identities. Organization, 13505084211030644 (Online first).
Inscription obligatoire par email auprès de Mélanie De Winter (
Voici l'abstract de l'article : 
In this paper, we draw on Foucault’s concept “governmentality” to show how a cohort of middleaged senior managers who engaged in competitive endurance sports fabricated (avowed) “heroic” leader identities drawing on this repertoire of discursive resources. Neoliberalism constitutes a form of governmentality which encourages people to regard themselves as autonomous and to aspire to personal fulfillment by investing entrepreneurially in themselves as “human capital.” Healthism, which requires individuals be responsible for their own health and wellbeing, is one program by which this is accomplished. We analyze managers’ talk about themselves as people who self-examined, and sought continually to transform (improve) themselves, to avow identities as superior (heroic) leaders. Our study contributes to the literature on governmentality by showing how in neoliberalism “healthism” constructs managers as enterprising selves.

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